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Ph. D. In Foudations of Education (Foundation of Education and Educational Planning) , Faculty of Education Assuit university , 2004

Professor Faculty of Education, ِِAssiut University , 2016

Associate Professor Faculty of Education, ِِAssiut University , 2010

Lecturer Faculty of Education, Assiut University , 2004

Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Education, Assiut University , 2001

Demonstrator Faculty of Education, Assiut University , 1998

Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research Faculty of Education, Assiut University ,since 2019-10-14

Manager of Adult Education Center Faculty of Education, Assiut University ,since 2016-08-30

Head Faculty of Education, Assiut University ,since 2015-09-09

No. Title
1 تصور مقترح لتفعيل دور كليات التربية فى بناء البرامج لمقابلة متطلبات التنمية المهنية فى ضوء الكفايات اللازمة للكادر الخاص للمعلمين
2 متطلبات تدعيم التربية المدنية لدى طلاب الجامعة في ضوء التغيرات المعاصرة
3 دور التعليم الجامعي في تدعيم مقومات التربية المدنية في ضوء خبرات بعض الدول المتقدمة " دراسة ميدانية "
4 متطلبات تدعيم التربية المدنية لدى طلاب الجامعة في ضوء التغيرات المعاصرة
5 تصور مقترح لتطوير برامج التنمية المهنية لمعاوني أعضاء هيئة التدريس
6 التدريب الإلكتروني ودوره في تحقيق التنمية المهنية لمعلم الدراسات الاجتماعية، دراسة تقويمية.
7 شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي وتاثيرها علي مهاراتي التفاوض التربوي والعلاقات البين شخصية لدي اطفال ماقبل المدرسة
8 تصور مقترح لتفعيل الدور التربوي للجامعة في تحقيق مقومات الامن الفكري لخريجيها للتصدي لظاهرة الفراغ الفكري (دراسة تقويمية)

1- Ali Mohamed Yahia Ali , Using Six Sigma as an Approach to Improve the Quality of Administrative Performance in University Education - A field Study in Assuit University ,2014-06-26
supervisor: Prof.Dr. Abd El-TaWab A. Abd El-TaWab Dr. Ahmed Hussien A. Dr. Omar Mohamed M.

2- Ali Mohamed Yahia Ali , Using Six Sigma as an Approach to Improve the Quality of Administrative Performance in University Education - A field study in Assuit University ,2014-06-26
supervisor: Prof. Dr./ Abd El-Tawab A. Abd El–Tawab Dr./ Ahmed Hussein A. Dr./ Omar Mohamed M.

3- Ali Mohamed Yahia Ali , Using Six Sigma as an Approach to Improve the Quality of Administrative Performance in University Education - A field Study at Assiut university ,2014-06-26
supervisor: Prof. Dr./ Abd El-Tawab A. Abd El-Tawab Dr./ Ahmed Hussien A. Dr./ Omar Mohamed M.

4- Ali Mohamed Yahia Ali , Using Six Sigma as an Approach to Improve the Quality of Administrative Performance in University Education - A field Study at Assiut University ,2014-06-26
supervisor: Prof.Dr./Abd El-Tawab A. Abd El-Tawab Dr./Ahmed Hussien A. Dr./Omar Mohamed M.

5- Sayed Abdel Zaher Mahmoud Abdel Alim , The Safe School as an Approach for the Educational Reform of the Technical Education in Egypt in the light of some experiences of the Developed Countries : / A Comparative Study. ,2014-06-30
supervisor: Ahmad Hessian Abdel Moaty, Neamat Abdel Nasser Ahmad

6- Mohamed Sayed Hessian Mohamed , Educational requirements for seasonal labor as an input for human development in the province of Assiut : / An Evaluative Study. ,2014-06-30
supervisor: Ahmad Hessian Abdel Moaty, Abdou Mohamed Abdou El-Kosairy

7- Ali Mohamed Yahia Ali , Using Six Sigma (6σ) as an approach to Improve the Quality of Administrative Performance in University Education - a field study in Assiut University ,2014-06-26
supervisor: Prof. Dr. Abd El-Tawab A. Abd El-Tawab Dr. Ahmed Hussein Abd El-Moaty Dr. Omar Mohammed M. Morsy

supervisor: Abdel Tawab Abdallah Abdel Tawab, Ahmad Houssain Abdel Moaty, Ghada El-Said El-Wshahy

9- Hwida Zaghlol Ali Hassan , A suggested vision for egyptian virtual university in the light of some experinces ,2008-04-29
supervisor: Awatef Mouhamed Hassan, Ahmad Houssain Abdel Moaty

10- Abdel Ghany Mouhamed Abdo Saaid , Criteria of accreditation and guarantee of university education quality in republic of yemen in the light of some contemporary educational experiences ,2008-06-26
supervisor: Awatef Mouhamed Hassan, Ahmad Houssain Abdel Moaty

11- Muhsin Muhammad Fahad El-Hazmi , The Efficiency of the Administrative Performance of the Court of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Republic of Yemen ,2012-01-25
supervisor: Ibrahim Huwail, Ahmad Hussin Abdel Moaaty, Naamat Abdel Nasser Ahmad