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Discussion of a master's thesis in education specializing in curricula and methods of teaching Arabic language and Islamic studies submitted by the researcher/ Doaa Ahmed Ali Abdel Nasser, entitled "A program based on Tokkatsu activities according to the

Today, Monday, corresponding to 5/6/2023, a discussion of a master's thesis in education specializing in curricula and methods of teaching Arabic language and Islamic studies submitted by the researcher/ Doaa Ahmed Ali Abdel Nasser entitled "A program based on Tokkatsu activities according to the Education Vision 2020 to develop students' creative listening comprehension skills and teamwork skills Primary stage.

All thanks and appreciation to the judging and discussion committee. Prof. Dr. Ahmed Sayed Mohamed Ibrahim. Full-time Professor of Curricula and Methods of Teaching Arabic Language and Islamic Studies and Former Dean of the Faculties of Education in Assiut and New Valley, Chairman and Supervisor Prof. Dr. Hassan Omran Hassan Full-time Professor of Curricula and Teaching Methods of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies at the Faculty of Education, Assiut University, member and discussant.

Prof. Dr. Aqili Mohamed Moussa, Professor of Curricula and Teaching Methods of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Education, Assiut University..Member and Discussant

Prof. Saber Allam Othman, Assistant Professor of Curricula and Teaching Methods of Arabic Language and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Education, Assiut University, member and supervisor