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The sixth annual scientific conference of the Fundamentals of Education Department was held

Under the patronage of Professor Dr. Ahmed Al-Minshawy, President of the University

Mr. Professor Dr. Gamal Badr, Vice President of the University for Graduate Studies and Research

Mr. Professor Dr. Hassan Muhammad Haweel, Dean of the College

Mr. Professor Dr. Mohamed Riyad Ahmed, Vice Dean of the College for Postgraduate Studies and Research, today, Monday, 5/20/2024, the sixth annual scientific conference of the Department of Fundamentals of Education was held, entitled Developing the fields of the Department of Fundamentals of Education in light of applications of artificial intelligence. The conference discussed how artificial intelligence can contribute to Developing and improving the educational process and making it more interactive and enriching and improving the educational experience to keep pace with contemporary changes and developments and achieve the aspirations and hopes of society, in the hall of Professor Dr. Muhammad Rajaie Al-Tahlawi in the faculty building at the College of Education, in the presence of the deputies and a group of faculty members, the supporting staff, researchers and students.

Chairman of the conference, Professor Dr. Ahmed Abdullah Al-Saghir Al-Banna, Chairman of the Council of the Fundamentals of Education Department

The rapporteur of the conference, Professor Dr. Abdel Tawab Abdullah Abdel Tawab, full-time professor of foundations of education, Faculty of Education, Assiut University