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# العنوان المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
1 Clinicopathological features of relapsed diffuse large B-cell
lymphoma: South Egypt Cancer Institute experience
بسمه رزق فاروق صالح 2021
2 Clinicopathological features of relapsed diffuse large B-cell
lymphoma: South Egypt Cancer Institute experience
بسمه رزق فاروق صالح 2021
3 Author Correction: Strong associations between chromosomal aberrations in blood lymphocytes and the risk of urothelial and squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder نبيل نظمى حنا ميخائيل 2018
4 Author Correction: Strong associations between chromosomal aberrations in blood lymphocytes and the risk of urothelial and squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder. نبيل نظمى حنا ميخائيل 2018
5 Author Correction: Strong associations between chromosomal aberrations in blood lymphocytes and the risk of urothelial and squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder نبيل نظمى حنا ميخائيل 2018
6 Author Correction: Strong associations between chromosomal aberrations in blood lymphocytes and the risk of urothelial and squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder. نبيل نظمى حنا ميخائيل 2018
7 Author Correction: Strong associations between chromosomal aberrations in blood lymphocytes and the risk of urothelial and squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder نبيل نظمى حنا ميخائيل 2018
8 Author Correction: Strong associations between chromosomal aberrations in blood lymphocytes and the risk of urothelial and squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder. نبيل نظمى حنا ميخائيل 2018
9 Strong associations between chromosomal aberrations in blood lymphocytes and the risk of urothelial and squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder نبيل نظمى حنا ميخائيل 2017
10 Strong associations between chromosomal aberrations in blood lymphocytes and the risk of urothelial and squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder نبيل نظمى حنا ميخائيل 2017