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رقم الفاكس
البريد الالكتروني:
البريد الالكتروني MIS
رقم الموبايل
رقم المكتب
N/A - 04245
رابط الباحث العلمي لجوجل

دكتوراه ﻒﻳ الباثولوجيا الإكلينيكية () , كلية الطب جامعة أسيوط , 2005

أستاذ معهد جنوب مصر للأورام , جامعة أسيوط , 2015
أستاذ مساعد معهد جنوب مصر للأورام , جامعة أسيوط , 2010
مدرس معهد جنوب مصر للأورام , جامعة اسيوط , 2005
مدرس مساعد معهد جنوب مصر للأورام , جامعة اسيوط , 2000
معيد معهد جنوب مصر للأورام , جامعة اسيوط , 2000

وكيل الكلية لشئون الدراسات العليا والبحوث - معهد جنوب مصر للأورام, جامعة أسيوط , منذ 2012-12-04

# عنوان البحث Research Year
1 Clinicolaboratory Characteristics and Outcome of Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in a Resource-Limited Setting: A Study from South Egypt 2022
2 Knowledge, perceptions and attitude of Egyptian physicians towards biobanking issues 2021
3 Relationship of transitional regulatory B and regulatory T cells and immunosuppressive drug doses in stable renal transplant recipients 2021
4 Higher CD19+ CD25+ Bregs are independently associated with better graft function in renal transplant recipients 2021
5 HLA-B* 15 predicts survival in Egyptian patients with COVID-19 2021
6 Higher CD19+ CD25+ Bregs are independently associated with better graft function in renal transplant recipients 2021
7 Sensitvity of flowcytometry immunphenotyping compared to Bone marrow morphology in diagnosis of multiple myeloma 2019
8 Effect of local wound infiltration with ketamine versus dexmedetomidine on postoperative pain and stress after abdominal hysterectomy, a randomized trial 2018
9 Author Correction: Strong associations between chromosomal aberrations in blood lymphocytes and the risk of urothelial and squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder. 2018
10 Author Correction: Strong associations between chromosomal aberrations in blood lymphocytes and the risk of urothelial and squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder. 2018
11 Author Correction: Strong associations between chromosomal aberrations in blood lymphocytes and the risk of urothelial and squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder. 2018
12 Strong associations between chromosomal aberrations in blood lymphocytes and the risk of urothelial and squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder 2017
13 Strong associations between chromosomal aberrations in blood lymphocytes and the risk of urothelial and squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder 2017
14 Strong association between long and heterogeneous
telomere length in blood lymphocytes and bladder
cancer risk in Egyptian
15 Molecular chaperone GRP78 enhances aggresome delivery to autophagosomes to promote drug resistance in multiple myeloma. 2015
16 the immuno;ogical role monocyte and other cytokines in patients with breast cancer undergoing paravertebral analgesia 2015
17 Subclinical vascular endothelial dysfunctions and myocardial changes with type 1 diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents. 2014
18 Increased susceptibility to apoptosis and growth arrest of human breast cancer cells treated by a snake venom-loaded silica nanoparticles 2014
19 Regulatory T cell subsets in children with systemic lupus erythematosus. 2014
20 Effect of protective ventilation on pro-inflammatory cytokine response during one lung ventilation in esophagectomy: a randomized controlled study 2014
21 p-Stat3 and bcr/abl gene expression in chronic myeloid leukemia and their relation to imatinib therapy. 2014
22 Effect of Thoracic Epidural Analgesia on Proinflammatory
Cytokines in Patients Subjected
to Protective Lung Ventilation During Ivor Lewis
23 Circulating Endothelial Cells and Platelet Microparticles in Mitral Valve Disease With and Without Atrial Fibrillation 2014
24 Increased circulating red cell microparticles (RMP) and platelet microparticles (PMP) in immune thrombocytopenic purpura. 2013
25 Diabetes worsening of hepatitis C cirrhosis: are alterations in monocytic tissue factor (CD 142) is the cause? 2013
27 Prevalence of occult hepatitis B virus infection in hemodialysis patients from egypt with or without hepatitis C virus infection. 2012
28 Relations of regulatory T cells with hepatitis markers in chronic hepatitis B virus infection. 2012
29 Silica nanoparticles sensitize human multiple myeloma cells to snake (Walterinnesia aegyptia) venom-induced apoptosis and growth arrest. 2012
30 Vitamin C supplementation reconstitutes polyfunctional T cells in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats 2012
31 Long-term antalgic effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of motor cortex and serum beta-endorphin in patients with phantom pain

32 Monocyte-platelet aggregates and platelet micro-particles in patients with post-hepatitic liver cirrhosis 2010
33 Platelet Function, Activation and Apoptosis During and After Apheresis 2010
34 Flow cytometric platelet cross-matching to predict platelet transfusion in acute leukemia 2010
35 Parathormone – 25(OH) -Vitamin D axis and Bone Status in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. 2010
36 T lymphocytes from malnourished infants are short-lived and dysfunctional cells.
37 Platelet function, activation and apoptosis during and after apheresis. 2010
38 HLA-G and its relation to proliferation index in detection and monitoring breast cancer patients 2010
39 Monocyte-platelet aggregates and platelet micro-particles in patients with post-hepatitic liver cirrhosis. 2010
40 The role of platelets CD40 ligand (CD154) in acute coronary syndromes.
41 The role of platelets CD40 ligand (CD154) in acute coronary syndromes 2009
42 Genetic variability of hepatitis C virus in South Egypt and its possible clinical implication.
43 Evaluation of flow cytometric immunophenotyping and DNA analysis for detection of malignant cells in serosal cavity fluids. 2009
44 Immunophenotyping and immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangement analysis in cerebrospinal fluid of pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
45 Immunophenotyping and immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangement analysis in cerebrospinal fluid of pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. 2009
46 Genetic Variability of Hepatitis C Virus in South Egypt and Its Possible Clinical Implication
47 Human Melanoma Cells Release Soluble and Functional Receptors 2006
48 Impact of CD34 subsets on engraftment kinetics in allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.

1 - محمد أحمد صفوت , تطوير و تقييم جزيئات الدهب النانومترية المحملة ب5-فلورويوراسيل ,2017-02-08
المشرفون: ا.د.محمد على عطية ا.د. دعاء محمد سيد د. غريب محمد عبد العال

2 - راندا عبد المهيمن آدم علي , تحضير وتقدير خصائص جزيئات السيليكا النانونيةالمحملة بمضادات الأكسدة للقضاء على خلايا سرطان الثدي. ,2016-12-26
المشرفون: ا.د/ نجوى ثابت أبو المعالي ا.د/ جمال عبد الوهاب أحمد ا.د/ جمال جمال عبد الرؤف بدر ا.د/ دعاء محمد سيد

3 - محمد أحمد يحى عبدالمالك , استهداف مسار تحلل البروتين لتحقيق فوائد علاجية في المايلوما المتعددة ,2016-12-30
المشرفون: أ.د/ نبيلة محمد ثابت أستاذ الباثولوجيا الإكلينيكية-كلية الطب-جامعة أسيوط أ.د/ حنان جلال عبدالعظيم أستاذ الباثولوجيا الإكلينيكية-كلية الطب-جامعة أسيوط أ.د/ دعاء محمد سيد أستاذ الباثولوجيا الإكلينيكية للأورام-معهد جنوب مصر للأورام-جامعة اسيوط د/ سحر

4 - تسنيم اسماعيل محمد حسن , مرض الجيارديا كمشكله مستمره وتققيم تأثير بعض الاعشاب كمضادات للجيارديا ,2015-10-22
المشرفون: ا.د احمد كمال دياب دز دعاء عبد الحفيظ يونس ا.د دعاء محمد سيد

5 - نهى جابر سيد , تحديد وجود ال ستات وال ب س ر/1ب ل جين في مرضي ابيضاض الدم المزمن وعلاقتهم بعلاج الاماتيناب ,2014-06-30
المشرفون: محمد رأفت خلف، دعاء محمد سيد، حسنى بدراوى حامد