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Faculty Council No. (757) was completed on 12/15/2020 corresponding to Tuesday in the College of Agriculture Council Hall
This morning, Prof. Dr. Mohamed Hamam Zain El-Abidine El-Deqishi, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University, paid an inspection visit to a number of sales outlets 12/15/2020
The College of Education intends to hold the sixty-fifth to prepare the university teacher during the period from 12/26/2020 to 31/12/2020 at the headquarters of the College of Education
Assiut University launches an extensive introductory seminar on the family of students for Egypt. Media Department: Assiut University witnessed today the launch of an introductory seminar on the…
Assiut University tentatively announces the candidacy of 967 male and female students in the Student Union elections and opens the door for appeals today 12-14-2020 Dr. Tariq El-Gamal, President of…
جامعة أسيوط تشارك بكامل نوابها فى حفل استقبال سفير الفاتيكان بالقاهرة خلال زيارته لأسيوط بمطرانية الأقباط الكاثوليك إدارة الإعلام : شارك الدكتور شحاتة غريب نائب رئيس جامعة أسيوط لشئون التعليم…
The comprehensive development caravan in Assiut governorate: medical, veterinary, agricultural, sports, artistic, social
Assiut University launches tomorrow a comprehensive convoy, in cooperation with Mansoura University and the Southern Military Region, to support the villages most in need in Assiut. Department of…
The ideal student competition at the Faculty of Agriculture
Assiut University announces the launch of the Student Union elections marathon tomorrow, Thursday, according to the schedule set for 12/9/2020
Assiut University President renewed confidence in the appointment of Prof. Dr. Suzan Abdel-Majid Abu Al-Majd, Head of the Agricultural Economics Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University…
Registration for postgraduate studies in the credit hour system, Master - PhD, will be opened in the second semester of the academic year 2020-2021 from 12/1/2020 until 12/27/2020