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- Bachelor degree in social work with a very good grade with his honor.

- Holds a master's degree in social work specialization of the social case work excellence grade.

- Doctor of Philosophy in the social work , specialized in the social case work with his first honor.

- حاصله علي درجه البكالوريوس في الخدمة الاجتماعية بتقدير جيد جدا مع مرتبه الشرف.- حاصله علي درجه الماجستير في الخدمة الاجتماعية تخصص خدمه الفرد بتقدير ممتاز .

- حاصله علي درجه دكتور الفلسفة في الخدمة الاجتماعية تخصص خدمه الفرد بتقدير مرتبه الشرف الأولي

Lecturer Faculty of Social Work, ِِAssiut University , 2019

Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Social Work, ِِAssiut University , 2015

Demonstrator Faculty of Social Work, ِِAssiut University , 2010

1- The quality of family life among a sample of graduates of residential institutions (descriptive and analytical study from the perspective of social casework)

2- The role of the social worker in raising awareness of the risks of infection with the emerging corona virus in the school field (a descriptive and analytical study from the perspective of social casework )

3- Measuring the quality of life of a sample of siblings of children with multiple disabilities (a descriptive study from the perspective of the ecological theory in the service of the individual)

4- Requirements for developing the professional performance of social workers using therapeutic digital applications in mental health institutions.

5- Mechanisms of developing the professional performance of the social worker to integrate homeless children with their families "a descriptive study from the perspective of the ecological approach in the face of the individual

6- The relationship between social workers' use of therapeutic smartphones and the development of communication skills among children with autism

الجمعيات العلمية و النقابات :

1- عضو بنقابة المهن الاجتماعية بمحافظة أسيوط

2- عضو بنادي أعضاء هيئة التدريس بجامعة أسيوط

3- عضو بنادي العاملين بجامعة أسيوط

4- عضو بلجنة المكتبات بكلية الخدمة الاجتماعية جامعة أسيوط

5- عضو بكنترول الفرقة الرابعة منذ 2020 إلي الان