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Using Flipped Classroom Strategy to Improve EFL Student Teachers' Acquisition of CALL Technological Terms

Research Authors
Mahmoud Abdallah & Rasha Alshaye
Research Date
Research Department
Research Journal
Journal of Faculty of Education - Assiut University
Research Vol
Research Website
Research Year
Research Pages
Research Abstract

This study investigates the effectiveness of implementing a flipped classroom strategy/model in teaching a Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) course to senior EFL student teachers. Characterized by pre-class online content delivery and in-person interactive activities, the flipped classroom strategy was explored in terms of its impact on students' acquisition and application of technological terms in language teaching/learning contexts. Using a quasi-experimental design, two randomly selected groups of senior EFL student teachers studying a CALL course at Assiut University underwent pre and post-tests to assess the influence of the flipped classroom on technological terms proficiency. The 100 participants were randomly assigned to an experimental group (n = 50) exposed to the flipped classroom model and a control group (n = 50) following traditional methods. Post-test results indicated superior performance in the experimental group, highlighting the positive influence of the flipped classroom. A questionnaire revealed favourable perceptions in the experimental group, emphasising its efficacy in enhancing engagement, motivation, autonomy, collaboration, and content comprehension within the CALL course. Additionally, semi-structured interviews with a subset of the experimental group (n = 15) identified specific benefits, including deeper engagement with CALL content, facilitated collaborative learning, and increased motivation and confidence in using technological terms. This study concludes that the flipped classroom is a promising strategy for senior EFL student teachers in the CALL course, offering practical implications and recommendations for its successful integration.