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liver unit

Liver transplants

- The first case was transplanted in 2014 by the team headed by Dr. Mahmoud Al-Mutini, professor of surgery in Ain Shams medicine and dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, assisted by a distinguished team headed by Dr. Mohammed Fathi, professor of surgery in Ain Shams medicine, in conjunction with a distinguished surgical and medical team from Al Rajhi Liver Hospital at Assiut University. Later, the university support Al Rajhi Liver Hospital medical team to reach 63 cases of liver transplant
- For more information on liver transplants, the method of preparation and risks of the operation, please download the attached information booklet on liver transplantation at Rajhi University Hospital.

Al Rajhi hospital's role in the treatment and control of hepatic viruses:


  • The hospital has launched an initiative to vaccinate its staff to prevent the hepatitis  B virus (HBV), so that the university will be free of hepatic viruses by 2020.
  • Providing free treatment for the hepatitis virus (C) (HCV) for university students and university staff under the (Assiut University Initiative free of hepatitis C virus).
  • HBV and HCV analysis for all hospital staff and treatment of those who have been tested positive, all free of charge in the hospital
  • Nearly 5,000 HCV patients are treated free of charge in collaboration with the "Tahya Masr" Foundation.
  • the establishment of a unit for the treatment of hepatic viruses within the hospital under supervision of the National Committee for the control of viral hepatitis, which started work in December 2018 and treated more than 5400 HCV patients, in addition to the follow-up and treatment of 300 patients of chronic HBV and the examination and follow-up of nearly 600 liver cirrhotic patients for early detection of liver tumors
  • Al Rajhi University hospital for liver and digestive system was selected as one of the centers of surveying and providing treatment to those who found the C virus as part of the initiative of the President of the Republic( 100 million Seha)