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# العنوان القسم سنة البحث
3311 Molecular identification of parasitic nematode and its pathogenicity against three species of land gastropods. قسم تمريض المسنين
3312 Effect of Rehabilitation Program on Quality of Life & Coping Strategies among Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis at Assiut University Hospital قسم التمريض النفسي والصحة النفسية
3313 Effect of implementing nursing care of patients post liver transplantation on nurses performance. قسم تمريض الحالات الحرجة
3314 Assessment of Nurses’ Knowledge and Practices Regarding Care For Patients with Cardiogenic Shock قسم تمريض الحالات الحرجة
3315 Does a diabetic retinopathy educational program raise awareness among elderly diabetic patients? قسم تمريض المسنين
3316 Effect of Implementing Nursing Educational Program on Re-admission for Patients with Heart Failure قسم تمريض الباطني والجراحي
3317 Impact of an educational program on knowledge and self-concept of institutionalized adolescents with conduct disorder قسم التمريض النفسي والصحة النفسية
3318 Effect of Nursing Care Guidelines for Post Anesthetic (Phase One) on Patient Outcome at Assiut University Hospital قسم تمريض الحالات الحرجة
3319 Assessment of Nursing Care on Patient’s Outcomes after Minimally Invasive and Conventional Cardiac Surgery قسم تمريض الحالات الحرجة
3320 Impact of educational Program about menarche on improving student's self- concept at Assiut governorate. قسم التمريض النفسي والصحة النفسية