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Renewing the accreditation of the National Accreditation Council for the blood bank - the chemistry and indications of tumors laboratory - and the flow cytometry laboratory at the South Egypt Institute of Oncology

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Tarek El Gamal, President of Assiut University, the South Egypt Cancer Institute announced the renewal of the accreditation of the National Accreditation Council for each of The blood bank - the laboratory of chemistry and indications of tumors - and the flow cytometry laboratory at the South Egypt Institute of Oncology in accordance with System No. 15189 Prof. Dr. Sami Abdel-Rahman, Dean of the South Egypt Institute of Oncology, expressed his sincere congratulations to the family of the Clinical Pathology Department, headed by Professor Dr. Rania Bakri, Head of the Department, and to all the laboratory staff for their effort and sincere and diligent work that contributed to maintaining the distinguished level of laboratories and renewing their accreditation