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The Vice President of Assiut University inspects the progress of the postgraduate exams at the Molecular Biology Research Institute

Dr. Ahmed El-Minshawy, Vice President of Assiut University for Graduate Studies and Research, toured the examination halls of the Institute for Molecular Biology Research and Studies to follow up on the progress of the postgraduate examinations “PhD, Master, and Diploma”, in the presence of Dr. Asmaa Abdel Nasser, Dean of the Institute, and Dr. Amr Abdel Fattah, Deputy of the Institute for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs, and a number of faculty members and employees of the Institute.

Dr. Al-Minshawi affirmed his pride and appreciation for the institute, which is a leading research institute because of its great role in developing scientific research at the university, pointing to the full support of the university administration for the institute to provide the best scientific and research environment for graduate students in one of the modern and promising scientific fields at the university, praising the commitment of fully taking all measures to maintain the safety of students.

In a related context, Dr. Asmaa Abdel Nasser revealed that the postgraduate students’ examination work included the performance of 56 graduate students, including 36 master’s students, 4 doctoral students, and 16 diplomas for the exams of the second semester of this year in various disciplines in the three departments of the institute, which are the departments of biostatistics and informatics, molecular biology, and applied biotechnology.