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Could Local Surgery Improve Survival in Stage IV Breast Cancer?

Research Authors
AKF Mohammed, HMM Hamza, BMA Elzanaty, AR Abd Elzaher
Research Department
Research Date
Research Year
Research Journal
SECI Oncology
Research Abstract

Background: Metastatic breast cancer (Stage IV) accounts for 3% of all newly diagnosed patients with breast cancer in Japan, which is not different from that of USA (6%) reported according to the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results data. The treatment of Stage IV breast cancer has traditionally been palliative care with chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and/or radiation therapy. Young patients with limited metastatic (oligometastatic) disease and an excellent performance status tend to be long-term survivors. Combined treatment for such patients including surgery, provide better chance for longterm progression-free survival than systemic therapy alone. Objective: Evaluating overall survival and progression free survival for metastatic breast cancer patients underwent mastectomy plus systemic therapy versus that on systemic therapy alone.

Patients and methods: This randomized study was conducted in surgical oncology department, medical oncology department, South Egypt Cancer Institute, Assiut University. We prospectively review and compare women presented with metastatic breast cancer between from January 2014 and December 2020, who received primary tumor resection (group A) and women treated non-operatively (group B).

Results: This study was conducted in surgical oncology department, medical oncology department-South Egypt Cancer Institute, Assiut University. we retrospectively and prospectively review and compare women (200 patients) presented with metastatic breast cancer between January 2014 and December 2019, who received surgery to the breast and women treated non-operatively. The study includes …