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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
1651 Intrafamilial transmission of hepatitis C in Egypt. Department of Biostatistics and Cancer Epidemiology Nabiel Nazmi Hanna Mikhail 2005
1652 The use of esmolol,nicardipine,andlignocaineto blunt hemodynamic change during electroconvulsive therapy Department of Anesthesia, Intensive care and Pain management Prof. Mustafa Galal Mustafa Hassan 2005
1653 Two-year results of a randomised double-blinded trial evaluating silymarin for chronic hepatitis C. Department of Biostatistics and Cancer Epidemiology Nabiel Nazmi Hanna Mikhail 2005
1654 Intrathecalnalbuphinevesusintrathecalneastigmine and their combination for post operative analgesia after total cystectomy. Department of Anesthesia, Intensive care and Pain management Prof. Mustafa Galal Mustafa Hassan 2005
1655 Exposure to Hepatitis C virus induces cellular immune responses without detectable viremia or seroconversion. Department of Biostatistics and Cancer Epidemiology Nabiel Nazmi Hanna Mikhail 2005
1656 Recovery Characteristics And Hemodynamic Effects of Sevoflurane Versus Halothane Anesthesia In Pediatric Ambulatory Patients: Egyptian Journal of Intensive Care Department of Anesthesia, Intensive care and Pain management Prof. Samy Abdel Rahman Amr Erfan 2004
1657 Randomised double-blinded trial evaluating silymarin for chronic hepatitis C in an Egyptian village: study description and 12-month results. Department of Biostatistics and Cancer Epidemiology Nabiel Nazmi Hanna Mikhail 2004
1658 Concurrent Chemotherapy with Hyperfractionated Radiotherapy in Stage III and IV Squamous Cell Head and Neck Cancer. Department of Medical Oncology Prof. Ashraf Zeidan Abdalla Ahmed 2004
1659 Effecacy of Pre-operative Chemotherapy and Sequential Radiation Therapy in Unresectable Rectal Carcinoma Department of Medical Oncology Prof. Ashraf Zeidan Abdalla Ahmed 2004
1660 Intrathecal medazolam increase analgesic effect and quality of spinal blockade with bupivaciane in patient undergoing lower abdominal surgery Department of Anesthesia, Intensive care and Pain management Prof. Mustafa Galal Mustafa Hassan 2004