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# العنوان سنة البحث
91 circulating miRNA-21 and miRNA-23a expression signature as apotential biomarkers for early detection of non-small-cell lung cancer 2019
92 Hepatitis E virus mediates renal injury via the interaction between the immune cells and renal epithelium 2019
93 Evaluation of molecular typing
and serological methods in solving
discrepant results of weak and partial
D (Rh) in South Egypt
94 Study of m65 hepatocyte death marker in multitransfused
patients with β-thalassemia major in upper Egypt
95 circulating miRNA-21 and miRNA-23a expression signature as apotential biomarkers for early detection of non-small-cell lung cancer 2019
96 Association of Treg and TH17 Cytokines with HCV Pathogenesis and Liver Pathology
97 Study of m65 hepatocyte death marker in multitransfused
patients with β-thalassemia major in upper Egypt
98 Assessment of Circulating miRNA-17 and miRNA-222 Expression Profiles as Non-Invasive Biomarkers in Egyptian Patients with Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer 2019
99 Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism
in Egyptian Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Patients: Correlation
with Clinicopathological Characteristics and Outcome
100 Study of m65 hepatocyte death marker in multitransfused
patients with β-thalassemia major in upper Egypt