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# العنوان القسم سنة البحث
14140 Role of Pectoralis Major Muscle Pedicle Flap in Reconstruction of Orofacial Region‏ قسم الجراحة العامة
14141 Platelet indices parameters in the new disease activity score of rheumatoidarthritis with ankle involvement: A comparative analytic study قسم الأمراض الباطنة
14142 Mean platelet volume change (∆MPV) and red blood cell distribution width (RDW) as promising markers of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) outcome قسم الباثولوجيا الإكلينيكية
14143 Monitoring Changes in Photoplethysmography During Lower Body Negative Pressure Induced Hypovolemia: Differences by Site and Sex قسم طب الأطفال
14144 Evaluation of serum protein 14-3-3η (eta) as a novel biomarker for rheumatoid arthritis قسم الباثولوجيا الإكلينيكية
14145 Real-world-outcomes for ALK positive advanced NSCLC patients treated in South Yorkshire قسم علاج الأورام والطب النووى
14146 Newly introuduced digitak hearing Aid technology in hearing aids as an alternative to absolute resorting to cochlear implantation :Comparative Study. قسم الأذن و الأنف و الحنجرة
14147 High flow nasal cannula versus noninvasive ventilation in the prevention of escalation to invasive mechanical ventilation in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure قسم الأمراض الصدرية
14148 Effects of terlipressin infusion during hepatobiliary surgery on systemic and splanchnic haemodynamics, renal function and blood loss: a double-blind, randomized clinical trial قسم الجراحة العامة