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# العنوان القسم سنة البحث
82 Derangement of Basic Amino Acids and Nitric Oxide Levels in Patients Undergoing Cardiothoracic Surgery قسم الكيمياء الحيوية 2023
83 Pomegranate (Punica granatum) peel alleviates lithium-induced alterations in the thyroid gland of rats by modulating apoptosis and oxidative stress. قسم الهستولوجيا 2023
84 International Variations in Surgical Morbidity and Mortality Post Gynaecological Oncology Surgery: A Global Gynaecological Oncology Surgical Outcomes Collaborative Led Study (GO SOAR1) قسم أمراض النساء والتوليد 2023
85 Gender Difference in the Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Mechanical Reperfusion and 30-Day Mortality for STEMI: Results of the ISACS-STEMI COVID-19 Registry. قسم طب القلب والأوعية الدموية 2023
86 COVID-19 pandemic: perception, attitude, and practices of university students from health sector faculties قسم الأمراض الصدرية 2023
87 Correlation of Fecal Calprotectin Level with Mayo Endoscopic Score and Disease Extent Assessed by Magnetic Resonance Enterography in Ulcerative Colitis Patients قسم الأشعة التشخيصية 2023
88 Rural–Urban Disparities in Patient Care Experiences among Prostate Cancer Survivors: A SEER-CAHPS Study قسم جراحة المسالك البوليةوالتناسلية 2023
89 Cerebrovascular reactivity after functional activation of the Brain using Photic Stimulation in Migraine and Tension Type Headache: a transcranial doppler Ultrasonography Study قسم الأمراض العصبية والنفسية 2023
90 Acute non-AE hepatitis: Causes, characteristics, and predictors of prognosis قسم الباثولوجيا الإكلينيكية 2023