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# العنوان القسم سنة البحث
55 The Accuracy of The Ultrasound Measured Transverse Cricoid Diameter and The Epiphyseal Transverse Diameter of the Distal Radius in Predicting the Pediatric Endotracheal Tube Size. قسم التخدير والعناية المركزة وعلاج الألم 2023
56 Graves’ disease in children: an update قسم طب الأطفال 2023
57 Diffusion tensor imaging and voxel-based morphometry in differentiating multiple sclerosis and its mimics قسم الأشعة التشخيصية 2023
58 Nano ciprofloxacin/meropenem exhibit bactericidal activity against Gram-negative bacteria and rescue septic rat model قسم الميكروبيولوجيا الطبية والمناعة 2023
59 Oral acetylated whey peptides (AWP) as a potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and chelating agent in iron-overloaded rats’ spleen قسم الكيمياء الحيوية 2023
60 Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome: Role of Bladder Inflammation in Bladder Function قسم جراحة المسالك البوليةوالتناسلية 2023
61 Transepithelial photorefractive keratectomy: a prospective randomized comparative study between the two-step and the single-step techniques قسم طب وجراحة العيون 2023
62 Comparison between the fate of Secretory Otitis Media in patients with adenoids hypertrophy undergoing Adenoidectomy alone or with Myringotomy or with Myringotomy and Tympanostomy Tube application قسم الأذن و الأنف و الحنجرة 2023
63 Validity of serum zinc/copper ratio as a potential novel biomarker in childhood epilepsy قسم الكيمياء الحيوية 2023