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# العنوان القسم سنة البحث
14221 Augmentation of Docetaxel-Induced Cytotoxicity in Human PC-3 Androgen-Independent Prostate Cancer Cells by Combination With Four Natural Apoptosis-Inducing Anticancer Compounds قسم الفسيولوجيا الطبية
14222 Quantitative Evaluation of Lobar Pulmonary Function of Emphysema Patients with Endobronchial Coils قسم الأمراض الصدرية
14223 Dysregulated miRNA-375, IL-17, TGF-β, and Microminerals Are Associated with Calpain-10 SNP 19 in Diabetic Patients: Correlation with Diabetic Nephropathy Stages قسم الكيمياء الحيوية
14224 Dissociation constant of chlordiazepoxide in montmorillonite suspension and its pharmaceutical application for a controlled-release dosage form قسم الفارماكولوجيا الطبية
14225 comparison OF CAUD aL MORPHINE VERSUS TRAMADOL FOR POSTOPERATIVE ANALGESIA IN CHILDREN قسم التخدير والعناية المركزة وعلاج الألم
14226 effect of addition of fentanyl or dexamethasone or both to bupivacaine in paravertebral block for patients undergoing major breast surgery قسم التخدير والعناية المركزة وعلاج الألم
14227 The possible relation between stigma, parent psychiatric symptoms, quality of life and the disease burden in families of children with autism spectrum disorder in Egypt: a multicentre study قسم الأمراض العصبية والنفسية
14228 Alterations in skin microbiome mediated by radiotherapy and their potential roles in the prognosis of radiotherapy-induced dermatitis: a pilot study. قسم الميكروبيولوجيا الطبية والمناعة
14229 A Study Of Diaphragmatic Ultrasound In Critically Ill Patients With Therapeutic Theophylline Trials قسم الأمراض الباطنة