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This is the official website of Histology & Cell Biology department, Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University.

  • Histology is the microscopic study of the structure of biological tissues that are too small to be seen with the naked eye.
  • Cell biology is the study of cell structure and function, and it revolves around the concept that the cell is the fundamental unit of life.
  • In Histology and Cell Biology department, we use staining techniques combined with microscopy.
  • Histology & Cell Biology is vital for the advancement of medicine, biology, and other aspects of life science.
  • The department has 4 undergraduate students’ labs for teaching and examining slides & a lab equipped with a rotary microtome for preparation of paraffin sections for preparing the slides.


The Histology Department in the faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, was established by the start of Assiut medical school. In the beginning, it was associated with the Anatomy department, then we separated it to be independent department


For postgraduate students, the department has several labs;

  • A research lab equipped with a rotary microtome (for preparation of paraffin sections for light microscopic examination) and a cryostat (for preparation of frozen sections for immunohistochemical studies).
  • A research lab equipped with an ultratome (for preparation of semithin sections prior to ultrastructural studies) and a fluorescent microscope (for examining slides treated with fluoresce-tagged markers immunohistochemistry).
  • A morphometry lab equipped with a computer-assisted image analysis using light microscopy.
  • An immunohistochemical lab equipped with facilities immunohistochemical staining.