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# العنوان القسم سنة البحث
73 Outcome of cataract surgery in children with presumed trematode-induced granulomatous anterior uveitis قسم طب وجراحة العيون 2023
74 Intermittent treatment with Apremilast, a phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor, ameliorates Alzheimer’s-like pathology and symptoms through multiple targeting actions in aged T2D rats قسم الفارماكولوجيا الطبية 2023
75 Investigation of the Ameliorating Effect of Copper Albumin Complex on Lysyl oxidase in monosodium iodoacetate -Induced Knee Osteoarthritis in Rats قسم الكيمياء الحيوية 2023
76 Detection of multiple extensively-drug resistant hypervirulent Klebsiella pneumoniae clones from patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia egypt قسم الميكروبيولوجيا الطبية والمناعة 2023
77 Antiapoptotic and chemotaxis‑stimulating efects of poly (d, l‑lactide‑co‑glycolide)‑chitosan and whey proteins against afatoxicosis‑induced splenic and thymic atrophy قسم الكيمياء الحيوية 2023
78 The prognostic value of post thyroidectomy Tc-99m pertechnetate thyroid scan in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer قسم علاج الأورام والطب النووى 2023
79 Ameliorative effects of zinc oxide, in either conventional or nanoformulation, against bisphenol A toxicity on reproductive performance, oxidative status, gene expression قسم التشريح 2023
80 Physiologically‐based pharmacokinetic model to investigate the effect of pregnancy on risperidone and paliperidone pharmacokinetics: Application to a pregnant woman and her neonate قسم الطب الشرعي وعلم السموم الإكلينيكية 2023
81 Graves’ disease in children: an update قسم طب الأطفال 2023