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# العنوان سنة البحث
41 Electrophysiological differences in cortical excitability in different forms of dementia: A transcranial magnetic stimulation and laboratory biomarkers study 2020
42 Cognitive Impairment, P300, and Transforming Growth Factor β1 in Different Forms of Dementia 2020
43 Neurobehavioral, testicular and erectile impairments of chronic ketamine a dministration: Pathogenesis and ameliorating effect of N-acetyl cysteine 2020
44 Acute Behavioral and Biochemical Responses of Sheep to S/C Ivermectin Injection 2019
45 Nicotine-induced oxidative stress alters sciatic nerve barriers in rat through modulation of ZO-1 & VEGF expression 2019
46 Aqueous garlic extract supresses experimental gentamicin inducedrenal pathophysiology mediated by oxidative stress, inflammationand Kim-1 2019
47 Aqueous garlic extract supresses experimental gentamicin inducedrenal pathophysiology mediated by oxidative stress, inflammationand Kim-1 2019
48 Haematotoxic and genotoxic potential of penconazole and copper nanoparticles on Redbelly Tilapia (Tilapia Zillii) 2019
49 Testing alternatives: the use of adipose‑derived mesenchymal stem
cells to slow neurodegeneration in a rat model of Parkinson’s disease
50 Haematotoxic and genotoxic potential of penconazole and copper nanoparticles on Redbelly Tilapia (Tilapia Zillii) 2019