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# العنوان سنة البحث
61 Interference With the AMPKα/mTOR/NLRP3 Signaling and the IL-23/IL-17 Axis Effectively Protects Against the Dextran Sulfate Sodium Intoxication in Rats: A New Paradigm in Empagliflozin and Metformin Reprofiling for the Management of Ulcerative Colitis. 2021
62 Virulence Characteristics of Biofilm-Forming Acinetobacter baumannii in Clinical Isolates Using a Galleria mellonella Model. 2021
63 SARS-CoV-2 infection in mortuary and cemetery workers 2021
64 The value of serum progesterone level on day of human chorionic gonadotrophin administration / metaphase II oocyte ratio in predicting IVF/ICSI outcome in patients with normal ovarian reserve. 2021
65 Differential expression of Tim‑3, PD‑1, and CCR5 on peripheral T and B
lymphocytes in hepatitis C virus‑related hepatocellular carcinoma
and their impact on treatment outcomes
66 Clinical and microbial characterization of toxigenic Clostridium difficile
isolated from antibiotic associated diarrhea in Egypt
67 Assessment of hepatitis E virus (HEV) in the edible goat products pointed out a risk for human infection in Upper Egypt 2020
68 Synergistic and Antagonistic Effects of Metal Nanoparticles in Combination with Antibiotics Against Some Reference Strains of Pathogenic Microorganisms 2020
69 IP-10 Levels in Patients Infected with HBV Predicts The Response to Treatment with Entecavir 2020
70 Enhancement of the Molecular and Serological Assessment of Hepatitis E Virus in Milk Samples