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# العنوان سنة البحث
Interplay of serum procalcitonin and renal tissue caspase 3 as diagnostic markers of sepsis in lipopolysaccharide rat model of sepsis
62 Effects of mannan-oligosaccharide and β-glucan prebiotic on the brain oxidant/antioxidant balance in broilers under natural Egyptian summer conditions 2018
63 Melatonin attenuates chronic immobilization stress-induced muscle atrophy in rats: Influence on lactate-to-pyruvate ratios and Na+/K+ATPase activity 2018
64 Risk Factors of Recurrent pneumonia in children Admitted to Assiut University Children Hospital 2018
65 Folic acid protects agnaist experimental prenatal nicotine-induced cardiac injury by decreasing inflammatory changes, serum TNF and COX-2 expression 2018
66 Protective effect of Ginkgo biloba and magnetized water on nephropathy in induced type 2 diabetes in rat 2018
67 Omentin-1 in serum and seminal plasma correlate with semen quality

68 Assessment of adenosine deaminase (ADA) level in pregnant ewes in relation to liver function test and some oxidant indicator 2017
69 Vitamin D reduces high-fat diet induced weight gain and C-reactive protein, increases interleukin-10, and reduces CD86 and caspase-3 2017
70 Folic acid protects against lead acetate-induced hepatotoxicity by decreasing NF-kB, IL-1 production and lipid peroxidation mediated cell injury 2017