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Design of 6 GHz High Efficiency Long Range Wireless Power Transfer System Using Offset Reflectors fed by Conical Horns

مؤلف البحث
M AbdelHafeez, K Yousef, M AbdelRaheem, EEM Khaled
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مجلة البحث
International Conference on Innovative Trends in Computer Engineering
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This paper presents a proposed design procedure of a Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) system based on high efficiency offset reflector antennas fed by conical horns. The system's performance evaluation is also demonstrated. The antennas in the transmitter and receiver sides of the proposed WPT system are symmetric. The performance of the system is optimized by calibrating the feeding horns and the offset reflector's dimensions to minimize the path and reflection losses of the proposed WPT system. The results show that correct line of sight alignment of the transmitter and receiver enhances the efficiency of the system. With an operating frequency of 6 GHz and 1 W of power transfer over a distance of 12 m between the transmitter and receiver, the system attains a total transfer efficiency of 62.9 %.

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International Confrences