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The Department of Hebrew Language and Literature strives to have a great number of graduates and researchers specialized in the field of translation to/from Hebrew in order to be able to promote the essential knowledge and ameliorate the national and religious awareness to stand against/confront the extremists’ ideology regardless of the diversity of their beliefs.

Moreover, the department aims to further the scientific research in Hebrew studies in its inclusive definition; Language, Literature, History, Religions, and Inter-working studies, through providing research contributions and informational consulting to the parties concerned with Hebrew studies; civil and military.

Historical Note

The department was first operated as one of the two sections of the Eastern Language Department that was established by Mr. Zain El-Abiedeen Abo Khodra, the Professor of Hebrew language, when he was at the head of his work as the Dean of the Faculty of Arts at Assiut University.

 A league of brilliant professors in Hebrew studies had been the milestone of succeeding in getting the section to operate for the first time in 2005.

The Hebrew studies section has witnessed the graduation of 12 classes until this very moment, where, the first class was in 2008.

A decree was released in September 2019 by the Supreme Council of Universities headed by Dr. Khaled Abd El-Ghafar, the Minister of Education during the University presidential time of Professor Tarek El- Gammal to separate the section of the Hebrew language from the department in order to operate as an independent department itself.