
Welcome to Assiut University
Assiut University is a governmental university which mobilizes and directs its potentialities for the realization of its vision by providing the education required for the present and the future, graduating generations that can compete in labor market at both the local and international levels, and qualifying for excellence in the development of scientific research and technology, and research programs which contribute to the society development within university ethics.
About AUN
AUN team wants to welcome you to its leading institution!
AUN is a vibrant community of multicultural staff and students from across the world. Each of you has something special to contribute to this university, and I want to make sure that you all feel at home on our campuses. Assiut University is more than just a place to get an education—it's where students come to be transformed. AUN is an inclusive university that addresses the challenges of the future with a cutting-edge teaching, research, and facilities. As a university we are committed to work tirelessly and to help students undergo an intellectual, social, and personal transformation far beyond the traditional college experience. We offer you a great opportunity to make real change, so make the best out of your years here. While your academic success is important, you must always remember to take care of your physical health and mental well-being. If at any point you feel overwhelmed or stressed, please speak to someone. You are not alone – there are many people here to support you. Have a great time and years full of achievements and learning
Prof/Ahmed Mohamed Kamal Mahmoud El-Minshawy
University President
Recent News
See what is going on inside our University and stay in touch with us.
Assiut University organizes a training program on "effective communication and leadership" to develop the skills of administrative staff”
(Faculty of Commerce) Assiut University organizes the scientific excellence day to honor the students of the first academic programs for the academic year 2023/2024
With the participation of (140) researchers from inside and outside Egypt: Assiut University launches the second International Conference of Biological Sciences on "innovative solutions in biology for
Assiut University participates in the African Lung Cancer Conference (PACLC 2025) in Accra, Ghana .
Assiut University.. Participates in the activities of the second edition of the youth week of universities and schools of the central upper region at the New Assiut Technological University
Dr. El-Minshawy Inaugurates the 7th International Conference of the Faculty of Nursing on: The Future of Nursing Amidst Modern Technological Advances.
Prof. El-Minshawy reviews the Performance Report of the Main University Hospital which received 94,016 Cases in various clinics during 2024.
Prof. El-Minshawy chairs the meeting of the committee for the application of the rules governing scholarships and discounts provided to Assiut University students

Under supervision of Prof. Ahmed El-Minshawy, president of Assiut University; the General Department of talent management and Development organized a training program ent

Under the supervision of Prof . Ahmed El-Minshawy, president of Assiut University, the Faculty of Commerce celebrated the "day of scientific excellence" to honor the firs

Prof. El- Minshawy: The conference aims to provide scientific solutions to environmental challenges and support cooperation with concerned authorities to promote sustaina

Dr. El-Minshawy: Assiut University is strongly present in international conferences as part of its research role and encourages researchers to participate in fruitful sci

Assiut University, under the supervision of Prof. Ahmed El-Minshawy, president of the university, participates in the activities of the second edition of the youth

Assiut University President: The nursing sector is an indispensable part of the health care system
Dr. El-Minshawy: The future of nur

* 16,796 surgical operations performed and 28,074 hospital admissions recorded, with 91,568 cases received at the general reception unit.
Prof. El-Minshawy: Assiut Al-Ahlia University seeks to include outstanding students in its student classes
Prof. Ahmed El-Mins
Faculty of
ScienceFact 1The faculty provides the best educational services to students through
educational programs in accordance with local and national standards.Fact 2It offers its students a unique teaching system,
the common department system -
Faculty of
EngineeringFact 1Academic engineering roots worked with group of Mediterranean countries
in cooperation with the European Union on building the
academic engineering education system.Fact 263 years of experience and Excellency in several engineering academic fields
including Electrical Engineering, Civil engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Architectural engineering,and Mining and Metallurgical Engineering -
Faculty of
MedicineFact 1Established in 1960, the faculty of Medicine at Assiut University (AUFOM)
is the oldest medical school in Upper Egypt, it serves as the largest
academic health complex in the Upper Egypt that combines medical
education, biomedical researchFact 260 years of experience and Excellency -
Faculty of
pharmacyFact 1In 2008, Assiut’s Faculty of Pharmacy was the first Pharmacy school
to receive national academic accreditation in Upper Egypt.Fact 2Our Faculty is supporting pharmaceutical as well as medical research
projects which are in the line with the national goals. -
Faculty of
CommerceFact 1We deliver practical and theoretical business knowledge to our students
to generate high quality research outputs.Fact 2Assiut university president, Menoufia University president, and Zagazig
university president graduated from Faculty of Commerce at AUN -
Faculty of
EducationFact 1The faculty provides the best educational services to students through
educational programs in accordance with local and national standardsFact 2This faculty is the first to obtain an accreditation certificate from
the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Education Accreditation
in the year 2014 as the first faculty of arts in the Arab Republic of Egypt. -
Faculty of
NursingFact 1Equipping all the laboratories with the essential scientific models,
devices, and facilities required to perform the clinical skills training
needed to improve the students’ practical/scientific skills in the
faculty and to offer a helping hand to the interested candidates within
the external society.Fact 2We offer training for health service providers to help them gain
the required clinical skills of Nursing Science. It operates in the form
of community service bestowed by the faculty. -
Faculty of
ArtsFact 1The faculty provides the best educational services to students through
educational programs in accordance with local and national standardsFact 2This faculty is the first to obtain an accreditation certificate from the
National Authority for Quality Assurance and Education Accreditation
in the year 2014 as the first faculty of arts in the Arab Republic of Egypt. -
Faculty of
Computer and
InformationFact 1The faculty offers unique and distinguished professional diplomas
with the least expansesFact 2It is considered the first in Upper Egypt to offer the labor market
graduates at a high level of efficiency.
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- مركز المؤتمرات بالقاعة الثمانية بالمبنى الإداري
- Assiut University, Asyut, Egypt.
- 11 th International Scientific conference Of South Egypt cancer Institute
- Molecular Biology Researches & Studies Institute