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Assiut University President Has Announced the Launch of the "Donors" Conference on the Next Month, to Organize the Efforts of all Segments of the Society to Assist the Trauma Hospital

Prof. Ahmed El Minshawy, President of Assiut University, announced the commencement of the "Donors" conference, which will take place in March of next year, in order to organize the efforts of all civil society groups to assist the University Trauma Hospital.

The President of Assiut University explained that the idea of the conference is to form the forum in an expanded way to include executive leaders, Islamic and Christian clerics, representatives of the Senate, deputies, mayors, sheikhs, businessmen, media and civil society organizations, and announcing a list of needs for the Trauma Hospital to support the efforts of the Egyptian state, which has spent about 800 million pounds. In order to establish the largest hospital specialized in injuries and emergencies at the level of the Republic. The hospital was designed according to the latest medical systems to serve the victims of accidents and emergencies in the governorates of Upper Egypt and Upper Egypt. It is a project that must be accelerated in the steps of its implementation, with the joint effort of all the incoming individuals and the various forces of society.