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Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs)-derived ZrOSO4@C for photocatalytic synthesis of benzimidazole derivatives

Research Authors
Hani Abdelhamid, Islam Mekhemer, Abdel-Aal Gaber
Research Abstract

Heterocyclic moieties, such as benzimidazole, are examples of important nuclei that have found widespread use in a variety of scientific subfields, such as medical and applied chemistry. In this study, we described the photocatalytic synthesis of numerous different benzimidazole derivatives using a solid-state acid composed of zirconium oxosulfate embedded into carbon (ZrOSO4@C). A metal-organic framework (MOF), known as UiO-66, was used as a precursor for the synthesis of ZrOSO4@C via carbonization in the presence of sulfuric acid. ZrOSO4@C was able to catalyze the reaction effectively, allowing for a condensation and cyclization to take place in a single vessel, which resulted in a high yield (77–98%) of benzimidazoles that were of high purity with the byproducts of water, and hydrogen (H2) gas. Our catalyst allowed for an improvement in the synthesis of many different benzimidazole derivatives by …

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Research Department
Research Journal
Molecular Catalysis
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Research Pages