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Ultrasound irradiation of hydrothermally engineered sub-20 nm PbS nanoparticles and effect of their size on Aspergillus species morphology

Research Authors
Ghada Abd-Elmonsef Mahmoud and Ahmed B.M. Ibrahim
Research Abstract

Lead sulfide nanoparticles were hydrothermally synthesized
and their size was diminished via exposure to ultrasound
waves. Both h-PbS and h,us-PbS nanoparticles of
different sizes were characterized using powder X-ray
diffraction, TEM microscopy and surface area measurements.
The nanoparticles limited the growth of Aspergillus
pathogens and light microscopy proved severe morphological
abnormalities in the fungal vesicles, conidiophores and
mycelia in response to the nanoparticles.

Research Date
Research Journal
Mendeleev Communications
Research Publisher
Research Rank
Research Vol
Research Year
Research Pages