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The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering congratulates the dean of the faculty of agriculture for…
The scientific magazine of the Housing and Building National Research Center published the April…
Massey university of New Zealand is specialised in science and technology, nutrition, arts, social…
Milk coupon reservation from the animal farm production starts from (9:00 pm to 12:00) from  1-6-…
The Grades of the Students will be published electronically after two weeks from its announcement.
Under the supervision of the president of the university professor:Mostafa Kamal,it is decided to…
The media and translation department is asking all the faculty staff in assiut university to…
Comsats Institute of Information Technology in Islamabad announces its academic courses for…
Misrelkheir foundation is offering 150  scholarships for master students in science, engineering,  …
Egyptian Engineers Syndicate will hold an international conference entitled "River Transportation…
Shimane university announces its application guide for  the master degree course for the academic…
The supervisory committee  for the faculty elections will be elected in the committee hall.The…