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# Title Department Research Year
7791 الانهيارات والصيانة في السكك الحديدية Civil Engineering Department 1982
7792 Study of the effect of energy consumed in the process of grinding . intial sige of feed and comp. Strength of rocks on the fineness ratio Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1982
7793 Monopolar corona on bundle conductors Electrical Engineering Department 1982
7794 Time Resolution of Positive Corona Current From Stranded Conduc¬tors Electrical Engineering Department 1982
7795 التحليل الاقتصادي لصيانة وصلات الطرق المرصوفة Civil Engineering Department 1982
7796 Application of the probabitity theory in the study of the effect of the time of grinding on the size distribution Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1982
7797 せん断補強鉄筋のないはりのせん断疲労強度 Civil Engineering Department 1982
7798 " Study of the Characteristics of Venturi- Flumes Civil Engineering Department 1982
7799 On The Extrusion of Aluminium - Aluminium Oxide Powder Composites 1982
7800 Effect of initial size of the feed and rock toughnesson the consumed energy to change surface area and shape of the poroduced partiles Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1982