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# Title Department Research Year
7771 النماذج الرياضية الخاصة بالتدهور والصيانة في أساطيل مركبات النقل المختلفة Civil Engineering Department 1982
7772 Effect of initial size of the feed and rock toughnesson the consumed energy to change surface area and shape of the poroduced partiles Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1982
7773 Effect of Weeds Concentration and Hight on resistance To Flow in Open Channels Civil Engineering Department 1982
7774 Phase-Frequency Approximation in System Model Reduction Electrical Engineering Department 1982
7775 A Generalized Approach to the Transient Thermal Behavior of Electric Power System Components Electrical Engineering Department 1982
7776 Selective Precision Synthesis of Function Generation Mechanisms Using Optimum Diads 1982
7777 Numerical Analysis of Solid Particle Distribution in Centrifugal Pump Volutes

7778 Steady Viscous Heating of non-Newtonian Fluids Flowing Between Parallel Plates 1982
7779 برمجة نموذج التحليل الاقتصادي لصيانة الطرق على الحاسب الالى Civil Engineering Department 1982
7780 The Application of Opto-couplers in Inductor Simulation Circuits Electrical Engineering Department 1982