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Assiut University President Honors a Female Researcher from Assiut University Being One of the Egyptian Research Team at Mansoura University who Discovered the Remains of the Dinosaur

In his meeting with the Assiut University researcher, Sara Saber, and the presence of Dr. Tarek Al-Gammal Vice President for Grduate Studies and Research, Ahmed A. Gaeis, Assiut University President, asserted the importance of the scientific discovery announced lately by Mansoura University. The discovery involved the remains of a dinosaur fossil dating back to about 70 million years. This is the first discovery of its kind to be made in Africa and the world by an Egyptian research team and therefore it was hailed by all countries of the world. Dr Gaeis stated that the participation of Sara Saber, Assistant Lecturer, Geology Department is definitely an honor to Assiut University whose distinguished graduates will resume the research interests of their professors in all fields, and enrich the scientific and research endeavors in all fields nationwide.