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# Title Department Research Year
11581 Convection Flow over a Uniform-Flux Vertical Surface with Variable Viscosity. Astrophysics and Space Science 112, 303-310 (1985). Department of Mathematics 1985
11582 Thermal diffusivity and specific heat of Al and Si alloys from 300 to 850 K0 Department of physics 1984
11583 Spectral and Acid-Base Properties of some 2-(Arylazo)-4,5-
Diphenylimidazole Derivatives.
Department of chemistry 1984
11584 Selective effect of the systemic insecticides phosphamidon on soil, root-surface and leaf-surface fungi. Botany and Microbiology Department 1984
11585 Heat Treatment of Cobalt Doped Phosphate Glass. Department of physics 1984
11586 Compressible Rayleigh-Taylor instability in the presence of rotation Department of Mathematics 1984
11587 Biometric and meristic studies on Nile cyprinoid fish labeo horie and labeo forskalii, from Assiut. Zoology & Entomology Department 1984
11588 Composition of the fungal flora of four cereal grains in Saudi Arabia Botany and Microbiology Department 1984
11589 Synthesis, electronic spectra and solvatochromic behaviour of 4-arylidene-1-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)-3-methyl-2-Pyrazolin-5-ones Department of chemistry 1984
11590 Geochemistry of the mafic and ultramafic rocks of Gebel El- Mutaghairat intrusion, Eastern Desert, Egypt Department of Geology 1984