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# Title Department Research Year
12301 Nonclassical effects in a nonlinear two trapped-particles system under intrinsic decoherence Department of Mathematics
12302 Seasonal and Temporal Influence on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Red Sea Coastal Water, Egypt Department of chemistry
12303 Intrinsic decoherence effect on quantum coherence dynamics of a qutrit interacting resonantly with a coherent cavity field Department of Mathematics
12304 A conceptual and numerical model for groundwater management in the desert area west of El-Minia governorate, Egypt Department of Geology
12305 Historical change of groundwater levels and its consequences on the archaeological sites at Luxor, Egypt. Department of Geology
12306 Geomorphology and morphometric Studied of the Area Between Gebel Ataga and Al Galala Al Baharyia and its applications in the Flash Flood Mitigation using Remote Sensing and GIS technique Department of Geology
12307 Impact of Land Reclamination of The Nile Valley Fringes on The Quality of Water and Soil, Egypt Department of Geology
12308 Impacts of microplastics on reproductive performance of male tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) pre-fed on Amphora coffeaeformis Zoology & Entomology Department
12309 The Study of Groundwater Resources Along The Plain of The River Nile ( From Aswan To Assiut ) Using Geoelectrical Resistivity Methods. Department of Geology
12310 Membranes for Oil/Water Separation Department of chemistry