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# Title Department Research Year
12301 Integration of Remote Sensing & GIS to Manage the Sustainable Development in the Nile Valley Desert Fringes of AssiutSohag Governorates, Upper Egypt Department of Geology
12302 A novel adaptive synchronization algorithm for a general class of fractional-order complex-valued systems with unknown parameters, and applications to circuit realization and color image encryption Department of Mathematics
12303 Numerical Modeling for the Nubian Aquifer Development in Wadi Qena, Eastern Desert, Egypt Department of Geology
12304 Non-classicality of two superconducting-qubits interacting independently with a resonator cavity: trace-norm correlation and Bures-distance entanglement Department of Mathematics
12305 Assessment and Evaluation of Water Resources using remote sensing and GIS Techniques in Egypt Department of Geology
12306 Structural, optical and photocatalytic properties of mesoporous CuO nanoparticles with tunable size and different morphologies Department of chemistry
12307 Investigation of the impact caused by different sizes of polyethyleneplastics (nano, micro, and macro) in common carp juveniles,CyprinuscarpioL., using multi-biomarkers Zoology & Entomology Department
12308 Entanglement Dynamics Induced by a Squeezed Coherent Cavity Coupled Nonlinearly with a Qubit and Filled with a Kerr-Like Medium Department of Mathematics
12309 Recent Advancement on Radical Urban Development in the Egyptian Desert. Modern Advances in Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences Vol. 3, 1 Mars 2021, p.74-90: Department of Geology
12310 Phyto-remedial of excessive copper and evaluation of its impact on the metabolic activity of Zea mays Botany and Microbiology Department