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# Title Department Research Year
11621 Podiform chromites in the Rubshi ophiolite association, west of Quseir, Egypt. Department of Geology 1984
11622 Effect of donkey dung on Egyptian osmophilic and cellulose-decomposing fungi. Bull Botany and Microbiology Department 1984
11623 Water Relations of Flax, Cotton and Wheat
under Salinity Stress
Botany and Microbiology Department 1984
11624 Thermal diffusivity and specific heat of Al and Si alloys from 300 to 850 K0 Department of physics 1984
11625 The physiological action of bee venom on the lipid content ,lipid fractions and fatty acids composition of human and sheep serum, Zoology & Entomology Department 1984
11626 Back-arc ophiolite association, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt Department of Geology 1984
11627 Bipolar diffusion charging of aerosols particles- II: Influence of the concentration ratio of positive and negative ions on the charge distribution. Department of physics 1984
11628 Selective effect of the systemic insecticides phosphamidon on soil, root-surface and leaf-surface fungi. Botany and Microbiology Department 1984
11629 Nuclear Heptylation and cyclopentylation of phenol and anisole Department of chemistry 1984
11630 Heat Treatment of Cobalt Doped Phosphate Glass. Department of physics 1984