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# Title Department Research Year
12231 Toxic metabolites produced by Aspergillus egyptiacus.Pakistan Botany and Microbiology Department 1979
12232 Kinetic Theory of Flow over Cylinder at Low Speeds under constant Force,
Rev. Roum. Sci. Tech. – Appl., Tome 24, No. , pp 699-706, Bucarest, (1979
Department of Mathematics 1979
12233 The Stability of Shock Waves in Argon and Nitrogen Plasmas Department of physics 1979
12234 Stratigraphy, Paleo-environment and Structural features of the area east of Beni Mazar, Upper Egypt Department of Geology 1979
12235 Petrology and sedimentology of the Upper Creataceous - Paleocene succession northwest of Kharga Oasis, Egypt. Department of Geology 1979
12236 Molecular Rearrangements. II-Alkyl Aryl Sulphides. Pyrolysis of Benzyl Phenyl Sulphide
Department of chemistry 1979
12237 Studies on ferrocence and its derivatives V. Preparartion of some new Ferrocenyl Pyrazolines, pentan-1,5-diones and B-ketosu;phides Department of chemistry 1979
12238 Effect of Cone Angle on The Velocities Of Shock Waves Department of physics 1979
12239 Stratigraphy, Paleo-environment and Structural features of the area east of Beni Mazar, Upper Egypt Department of Geology 1979
12240 “ Paleogeoraphic features during Oligocene –Miocene transition and their bearing on Oligocene – Miocene Foraminifera in the Mesohellenic basin, Northern Greece “ Department of Geology 1979