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# Title Department Research Year
12361 Historical change of groundwater levels and its consequences on the archaeological sites at Luxor, Egypt. Department of Geology
12362 Haemato-biochemical, mutagenic, and histopathological changes in Oreochromis niloticus exposed to BTX Zoology & Entomology Department
12363 Dynamics of trace distance and Bures correlations in a three-qubit XY chain: Intrinsic noise model Department of Mathematics
12364 Nonclassical effects in a nonlinear two trapped-particles system under intrinsic decoherence Department of Mathematics
12365 Subsurface structural features of the basement complex and mineralization zone investigation in the Barramiya area, Eastern Desert of Egypt, using magnetic and gravity data analysis Department of Geology
12366 Susceptibility of the different stages of the medfly Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann (Diptera: Tephritidae) to the extracts of Viola odorata and Eucalyptus camaldeulensis. Zoology & Entomology Department
12367 Intrinsic decoherence effect on quantum coherence dynamics of a qutrit interacting resonantly with a coherent cavity field Department of Mathematics
12368 Phyto-remedial of excessive copper and evaluation of its impact on the metabolic activity of Zea mays Botany and Microbiology Department
12369 Dynamics of two coupled qubits in a two-mode cavity through four-photon processes: Nonclassical properties under intrinsic decoherence Department of Mathematics
12370 Urbanization, agriculture and degradation of groundwater quality: Case study of Nile Valley, Luxor, Egypt. Department of Geology