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# Title Department Research Year
12251 Phyto-remedial of excessive copper and evaluation of its impact on the metabolic activity of Zea mays Botany and Microbiology Department
12252 Groundwater Management at West El-Minia Desert Area, Egypt Using Numerical Modeling Department of Geology
12253 Melatonin Alleviates Intestinal Barrier Damaging Effects Induced by Polyethylene Microplastics in Albino Rats Zoology & Entomology Department
12254 Dynamics of quantum effects of a qubit time-dependently interacting with finite entangled coherent cavity fields Department of Mathematics
12255 Hydrogeochemistry and Desalination of Saline Groundwaterin Wadi El-Assiuti, Upper Egypt Department of Geology
12256 Water Balance and quality of Qena Area , Nile Valley, upper Egypt, A new Approach. Department of Geology
12257 Hydrogeochemical Evolution of Groundwater Aquifers In The Area East of Assiut , Nile Basin, Egypt. Department of Geology
12258 Yeast and enzymatic hydrolysis in converting Chlorella biomass into hydrogen gas by Rhodobacter sp. and Rhodopseudomonas palustris Botany and Microbiology Department
12259 New Treatments of Groundwater Aquifers In Wadi ElMathula Area, Eastern Desert, Egypt Using Geophysical And Hydrogeological Methods. Department of Geology
12260 Developing quality and safety of cloudy mango juices by gum Arabic encapsulated a droplet of vanillin embedded in mango oil along with ultrasonic for longer shelf‐life Botany and Microbiology Department