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GERSS- German Egyptian Research Short Term Scholarships
New application forms are available for the staff members and employees on the faculty of…
The Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department will hold the 17th-Annual conference for…
The Head of Mechanical Engineering Department professor/Hany Muhammad Ahmad El-Beblawy would like…
The It-Unit would like  to invite the faculty staff members, employees and students to attend the…
Zain e-Learning Centre in University of Bahrain intends to hold the fourth conference and the…
The National Tempus oFFICE decided to organize a workshop in cooperation with Aswan University…
The dean of the faculty professor/Abd El-Fattah Mahmoud Muhammad asks the faculty staff to rapidly…
The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology recieved a letter from Mahathir Science Award…
  PROGRAM GOAL: Provides grant opportunities for university graduates, masters and doctoral degree…
ICDL Certificates are now available