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# Title Department Research Year
7911 Standards of Machine Elements 1979
7912 Fluidized bed heat treatment of metallic components: A literature survey Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1979
7913 Transfer Functions with Arbitrary Phase Characteristics Electrical Engineering Department 1979
7914 Benefication of El-Bahariya Iron ore by magnetic seperation Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1978
7915 Effect of borehole geometry on drilling operations in different types of rocks Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1978
7916 تطبيق نموذج التكلفة الاقتصادي لتقييم الإنفاق على صيانة شبكة الطرق بالدلتا Civil Engineering Department 1978
7917 New aspects in the study of strength properties of alabaster deposit in Wadi El-Assiuty Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1978
7918 Digital Study ofT-leat Flow for Closely Spaced-Underground Power Transmission Cables Using Simulation Technique Electrical Engineering Department 1978
7919 معايرة النموذج الرياضي الخاص بانهيار طبقة الرصف السطحية ليلاءم الظروف البيئية في مصر Civil Engineering Department 1978
7920 توزيع أعمال المحاور لمركبات نقل البضائع على نوعيات الطرق المختلفة في مصر Civil Engineering Department 1978