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# Title Department Research Year
7871 Electrode Design for Testing in Uniform Field Gaps Electrical Engineering Department 1980
7872 Study of the effect of toughness and comp . strergth of rocks on the produced surface area and relative growth of surface area Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1980
7873 Contact time distribution in fluidized-bed reactors part II: Application of mathematical models and parameter estimation Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1980
7874 Effect of off-south orientation on optimum tilt angle for maximum solar energy absorbed by flat collector augmented by plane reflector 1980
7875 Selective Constant Delay Filters with Chebychev Passband Amplitude Response Electrical Engineering Department 1980
7876 Rate of growth of surface area and itinial size of feed as controlling factor for the determination of the time necessary for grinding in vertical stamp mill Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Department 1980
7877 Negative Teilentlandungseinsatzspannung in Comprimiertem SF6 Electrical Engineering Department 1979
7878 L.awinenwachastum Unter Einfluss des Eigenen Raumladungasfelds und Dessen Wirkung auf die TE-Einesatzspannung In SF6 Electrical Engineering Department 1979
7879 Lifting Field of Free Conducting Particles in Compressed SF6 Electrical Engineering Department 1979
7880 Unsteady Viscous Heating in Plane Flow Between Moving Surfaces 1979