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An estimation of the wire-duct electrostatic precipitator efficiency

Research Authors
S Abdel-Sattar
Research Member
Research Department
Research Year
Research Journal
Journal of electrostatics
Research Publisher
Research Vol
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Research Website
Research Abstract

NULLIn this paper, a simple and fast method for estimating the saturated profiles of the field intensity, ions and particles charge density, ions and particles current density, relative precipitated dust and the overall precipitation efficiency of the wire-duct electrostatic precipitators is reported. Both ions and particles in space surrounding the energized wires are taken into consideration. This method is based on simple expression which define the ionized field in the interelectrode spacing surrounding the HV wires of the wire-duct electrostatic precipitator in presence of dust particles and under saturated conditions.

The precipitation efficiency of the electrostatic precipitators under saturated conditions is also estimated for cement industry. The effect of some parameters on the precipitation efficiency is also reported. The precipitation efficiency of the wire-duct electrostatic precipitator as influenced by both the applied voltage and the gas flow speed is discussed in this paper. The present findings are correlated to the physics of electrical corona discharge.