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The College of Commerce administration seeks to overcome the obstacles facing its male and female students who are subject to the condition of eradicating illiteracy for 2 seniors in order to graduate, in coordination with the General Authority for Adult


Under the guidance of His Excellency Professor Dr


Chairman of the General Authority for Adult Education

And under care

Prof. Dr. Ahmed Al-Minshawy

President of Assiut University

And Dr. Mahmoud Abdel-Aleem

Vice President of Assiut University

For community service and environmental development affairs

Today’s headline is Professor/Nadi Ibrahim Abdel-Al

General Manager of Assiut Branch

And Ms. Mufidah Adel Mahmoud

Director General of the Information Center

The trainer is certified by the General Office of the Authority

And Mr. Khaled Al-Masry

Director of Follow-up Department

To the Faculty of Commerce, Assiut University

To attend the College of Commerce meeting

He was at the reception

Prof. Dr. Alaa Abdel Hafeez Muhammad

Dean of the Faculty of Commerce, Assiut University

And Dr. Amal Ahmed Hassan Al-Dali

Vice Dean of the College for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs

Dr. Muhammad Ahmed Ali Al-Adwa

Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs

Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed

Lecturer in the Department of Economics and Public Finance

Mr. Khaled Mukhaimer Abdel-Wareth

Director of the College Vice Dean's Office


It was agreed to hold an awareness seminar

Faculty of Commerce, Assiut University

In implementation of the decision to oblige the male and female students of the first and second year of the Faculty of Commerce, Assiut University, to eradicate the illiteracy of (2) students.

During the four years as a requirement for graduation

This is within the framework of the coordination of the College of Commerce

This is to raise awareness among male and female students

To participate and open literacy classes

In cooperation with the Authority’s branch in Assiut, which is considered a religious and national duty

As well as coordinating and organizing the work to distribute illiterate students to students of the Faculty of Commerce under the supervision of the teaching assistants and the assistant teachers.

At the end of the meeting

Mr. Nady Ibrahim Abdel-Al expressed

Ibrahim called out

General Manager of Assiut Branch

He expressed his pride and pride in being at the College of Commerce

Assiut University

In addition to its distinguished role in serving civil society through participation in many community activities.

With our wishes for further progress and prosperity

May God grant us success and help

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