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# Title Research Department Research Year
14221 Quality of Life (QOL) among Stroke Patients. Current Topics in Medicine and Medical Research Department of Rheumatology ,Rehabilitation & physical medicine
14222 Survival of vascularized osseous flaps in mandibular reconstruction: A network meta-analysis‏ Department of General Surgery
14223 Lack of effect of subchronic exposure to cigarette smoke on the biotransformation of carbaryl in mice and rats Department of Pharmacology
14224 Coupling size exclusion chromatography to ultracentrifugation improves detection of exosomal proteins from human plasma by LC-MS Department of Clinical Pathology
14225 Intra-alveolar neutrophil-derived microvesicles are associated with disease severity in COPD Department of Chest Diseases
14226 Assessment of Nursing Practice Regarding Neonates with Hyperbilirubinemia Department of Pediatrics
14227 'preoperative Acute Normovotaemic Haemodilution in Patients with Myocardial lschaemia" Department of  Anesthesia and Intensive Care
14228 Comparative Study Between the Efficacy of Oral Verapamil and Bisoprolol on Reduction of Intraoperative Bleeding during Endoscopic Sinus Surgery under General Anesthesia Department of  Anesthesia and Intensive Care
14229 Rutin hydrate inhibits apoptosis in the brains of cadmium chloride-treated rats via preserving the mitochondrial integrity and inhibiting endoplasmic reticulum stress Department of Medical Physiology