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# Title Research Department Research Year
14194 N-acetyl cysteine can blunt metabolic and cardiovascular effects via down-regulation of cardiotrophin-1 in rat model of fructose-induced metabolic syndrome Department of Medical Physiology
14195 Expression of aberrant markers in acute leukemia at South Egypt Cancer Institute: A retrospective study Department of Clinical Pathology
14196 Effect of Phototherapy on Blood Levels of Endothelin-1 and Nitric Oxide in Hyberbilirubinemic Newborn Infants Department of Pediatrics
14197 Employees Knowledge about Glaucoma at Assiut University Employees Department of Ophthalmology
14198 'preoperative Acute Normovotaemic Haemodilution in Patients with Myocardial lschaemia" Department of  Anesthesia and Intensive Care
14199 Comparative Study Between the Efficacy of Oral Verapamil and Bisoprolol on Reduction of Intraoperative Bleeding during Endoscopic Sinus Surgery under General Anesthesia Department of  Anesthesia and Intensive Care
14200 Descemets Membrane Detachment:An Overlooked Cause of Post Cataract Surgery Persistent corneal Edema Department of Ophthalmology
14201 Evaluation of the Anti-inflammatory Profile of Quercetin. Enhancing its effects by beta-cyclodextrins. Department of Pharmacology
14202 Lisofylline mitigates cardiac inflammation in a mouse model of obesity through improving insulin secretion and activating cardiac AMPK signaling pathway Department of Biochemistry