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# Title Research Year
101 Primary versus deferred ureteroscopy for management of calculus anuria: a prospective randomized study. 2018
102 Conservative and Interventional Managements of Grades 3-5 Renal Trauma: A Prospective Comparative Study 2018
103 Genetic aberrations of the K-ras proto-oncogene in bladder cancer
in relation to pesticide exposure
104 Experience of a tertiary-level urology center in the clinical urological events of rare and very rare incidence. III. Psychourological events: 1. Psychic anuria. 2018
105 Health related quality of life after urinary diversion. Which technique is better? 2018
106 Cholecalciferol for the prophylaxis against recurrent urinary tract infection among patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia: a randomized, comparative study 2018
107 Experience of a Tertiary-Level Urology Center in the Clinical Urological Events of Rare and Very Rare Incidence. I. Surgical Never Events: 3. Urological Electrosurgical Never Events 2018
108 Primary versus deferred ureteroscopy for management of calculus anuria: a prospective randomized study. 2018
109 Conservative and Interventional Managements of Grades 3-5 Renal Trauma: A Prospective Comparative Study 2018
110 Experience of a tertiary-level urology center in the clinical urological events of rare and very rare incidence. III. Psychourological events: 1. Psychic anuria. 2018