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What the department of Gastroenterology and Tropical Medicine do?

1. Reaching accreditation through achieving the faculty’s institutional capacity standards.

2. Achieving academic accreditation standards for students and postgraduate programs offered by the college.

3. Achieving academic accreditation standards for teaching and learning opportunities and resources provided by the college for students and postgraduate studies.

4. Providing distinguished educational programs that bring the highest levels of students and achieve high-level learning outcomes and provide a leadership model at the local and regional level.

5. Continuous development of distinguished faculty members through an academic environment that encourages production, creativity and continuous development of the scientific research system (budget programs) in the fields of basic and clinical medical sciences.

6. Achieving the continuous development of the faculty administration, its organizational structure and its institutional capacity.

7. Continuous development of community college services, especially medical services provided by university hospitals and their specialized centers.